It is time for the BDJ Christmas special. We continue the tradition of setting a gospel to (Beatles) music.

In previous festive seasons we released musical version of the gospels of Matthew (, Luke (], the infancy gospels of Thomas ( and Syriac (, and Morgan Freeman (

Now we come to the gospel of The Way of Cross and Dragon. This text surfaced recently and scholars like George Martin date it to the 22nd century, or slightly later. The text describes the life of Judas Iscariot, and revises his place in Christianity. The text describes how Iscariot mastered the dark arts to become a tamer of dragons and the ruler of a great empire. St. Peter suppressed the truth about Judas, vilifying his name and exploits. Seeking redemption for his wrath, Iscariot became the thousand-year-old Wandering Jew.

An interesting view of the nature and limitations of religious faith for sure, more than enough reason to set it to music.

A moggy xmas everyone!