Previous Episode: Depression no 9
Next Episode: Beautiful Mother

Sleeping appears to have had a particular interest to Lennon. From "Close your eyes and I'll kiss you", "I'm only Sleeping", through to "No 9 Dream", sleeping was present in his songs. Why ? Hard to tell, but somewhow sleeping was associated to imagining, new thougths or insights for JL., rather than just resting.

In 'Goodnight' we again are encouraged to sleep so we can have 'sweet dreams', rather than recover energy for the next day of hard work. And a beautiful song it is. Legend has it that JL was embarassed by the 'soft' (feminine?) nature of the lyrics, so he had Ringo sing it, and George e Martin killed it off good with his Mantovani style violins and 100 voices chorus.

Here, we repair some of the damage, and bring the song back to its basic piano accompaniment. And throw in a real middle eight for free !