Previous Episode: 004 Jusup11

Happy Impulse is an artist with a mission. She brings the subtitles of our compromises in life to the forefront of the discussion. From topics of creative addiction, workaholics, porn, weed, drugs, and more, she has something to say about the way we just accept things as they are.

In the beginning of the episode, Jesse and Roberta discuss how she got started, being driven mad by the corporate design world and the social compromises we make in society without even realizing it.

They talk about the unique experience designers have collaborating with their clients and how that experience drove Roberta to need to create for herself.

In the drive to create, we as artists discover the manufacturing processes it takes to get products to market. In our modern world, the means of production are more accessible to the general public than they have ever been. As a result the potential for society to be able to make change with their choices is more incredible than ever.

Woven through the tapestry of art and concept is a lighthearted discussion about designers we love, the dance of being creative and in general, the process of learning to love and enjoy life.

Roberta is a magical person and if you haven't seen her art, there is no better time than now.