WBPW - Whatcha Been Playing Wednesday #3

“Whatcha Been Playing Wednesday” is a special weekly podcast ... it's a compilation of the games we've played over the week.  The cast of WBPW include ... Board on the Air, Dice and Dragons, Friday Knight Games, The Cardboard Kid, Of Dice and Men, Board and Game with Andrew B and Metal Meeples and Beer.


1:22 - Matt and Jon - Friday Knight Games

10:10 - Chad - Of Dice and Men

17:30 - Andrew Bucholtz - Board and Game with Andrew B

24:00 - Ryan - Bridge City Boardgamers / Cardboard Conjecture

29:54 - Rob and Anna-Marie - Metal Meeples and Beer

37:42 - Shea and David - Board on the Air

45:11 - Jayson and Julie - Dice and Dragons

52:50 - Norm - Bridge City Boardgamers / Cardboard Conjecture


Taking this week off :

The Cardboard Kid