Cardboard Conjecture #115 - The Rise of the RPG

In this episode I’ll chat about Obsession and Faiyum in my ‘Games of late …’ , Merchants of the Dark Road in the Trending segment, Maeshowe : an Orkney Saga in the ‘New Releases’, and Rise of the Necromancers in the ‘Crowdfunding’ segment.  


I am overjoyed to have as guests my D&D group who I’ve played RPGs with since the 90’s.  We will talk about a pill of things RPG … and how important and relevant this game is not only as an activity, but as a creative outlet of collaboration, contribution and creativity.


1:02 - Games of late …Obsession

8:16 - Games of late … Faiyum

17:36 - Trending games : Merchants of the Dark Road

22:40 - New releases : Maeshowe : an Orkney Saga

28:08 - Crowdfunding - Rise of the Necromancers

31:!3 - Topic - The Rise of the RPG


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