Cardboard Conjecture #114 - The Mechanics Series : Push Your Luck

In this episode I’ll talk about Five Tribes and Quadropolis in the ‘Games of late …’ segment, and in the Trending games and New games segment I’ll talk about Ark Nova, The Great Wall, Destinies : Sea of Sand, and Factory 42 … we can’t move on without looking at Dom Pierre in our crowdfunding exploration.  In this episode I continue with the Mechanics Series and discuss the Push Your Luck mechanism and how it works with the game, the player and the emotions.


1:02 - Games of late … Five Tribes

5:30 - Games of late … Quadropolis

10:00 - Trending games : Ark Nova

13:26 - Trending games : The Great Wall

17:06 - New releases : Destinies - Sea of Sand

19:24 - New releases : Factory 42

21:21 - Crowdfunding - Dom Pierre

24:24 - Topic - The Mechanics Series : Push Your Luck 


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