Cardboard Conjecture #107 - The Hype Train with Chad from Of Dice and Men Podcast

In this episode … Ryan, Norm and Chad discuss their games of late : Imperial Steam, Kemet, We’re Doomed … as well as discuss the latest BGG news of the Top 6 family board games for the holiday season and one of our favourite segments The Hype Train, and this time Chad is going to present two games that have been overlooked by all or games that need more love and attention.


1:12 - Games of Late : Chad - We’re Doomed 

7:50 - Games of Late : Ryan - Imperial Steam

17:00 - Games of late : Norm - Kemet

24:02 - The News : BGG top 6

35:22 - The Hype Train with Chad : Dark Souls : The Card Game

48:30 - The Hype Train with Chad : Dawn of the Peacemakers

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