Hour 1

Major General Michael T. McGuire, USAF (Ret.) has spent 38 years serving our country. From navigating aerial combat over Iraq to negotiating with State and federal legislators. From 2013 to 2021 he was Adjutant General of the Arizona National; Guard where he coordinated the largest deployment since World War II. 10 months in 2020 there were 6700 individual missions, Covid-19, Civil unrest, wildfires, and the border crisis. General McGuire knows how to restore our border unlike his Democrat opponents. 

Vera Sharav survived the Holocaust as a child; her father did not survive. Her mother emigrated to the United States while she was cared for by relatives; she rejoined her mother in New York City, when she was 10 1/2. Sharav became an activist against aspects of biomedical research after her teenage son died of a reaction to clozapine. Vera Sharav, founder and president of the Alliance for Human Research Protection (AHRP), describes her experience in escaping from a Nazi concentration camp as a little girl, and the parallels with what’s happening today with COVID-19 measures and Germany in the 1930’s. History teaches us that if the government is allowed to suspend civil rights & personal freedom in an emergency, the government will create emergencies & take control over our lives. The Nazis used fear of infectious epidemics to demonize Jews as “spreaders of disease.” Today, healthy, unvaccinated people are accused of being “spreaders of disease.”

Hour 2

Michael Daugherty is a government whistleblower by necessity, and CEO of The Cyber Education Foundation and founder of The Justice Society. Michael’s story is of victimization by a cyber-security company linked to federal agencies. He’s author of THE DEVIL INSIDE THE BELTWAY: The Shocking Expose of the US Government’s Surveillance and Overreach into Cyber-Security, Medicine, and Small Business. Mr. Daugherty will discuss vaccines ,the Durham report and more. 

Hour 3

Dr. Charles B. Simone M.D. is an internist, medical oncologist, radiation oncologist, tumor immunologist, author, inventor, and health advocate. He has been called “Cancers Worst Enemy” and founded the Simone Protective Cancer Institute. His Cancer and Nutrition: a ten point Plan for Prevention and Cancer Life Extension is in its 3rd printing. The Truth about Breast Cancer, and The Truth about Prostate Cancer set the bar for increased understanding. How to Save Yourself From A Terrorist Attack and Medical Hydration: Military Strategy for Military and Athletic Warriors, have aided the military and Olympians. Dr. Simone has a plan to overhaul healthcare to save our healthcare system, and our country. He has appeared on 60 Minutes, Prime Time Live, Fox News Channel.  We’ll discuss hydration, the next pandemic, and planned destruction of America. DR. SIMONE EXAMINES THE CAUSE AND SOLUTION TO OUR SCHOOL SHOOTINGS