Hour 1 BLM (Bring Lotsa Money) the Marxist Con

Kevin McGary is a Keynote Speaker, Political Commentator, and Founder Every Black Life

Matters (Every BLM,org). Mr. McGary is Chairman of the Frederick Douglass Foundation of California. He is atop performer with over 10 years IT experience in cybersecurity, enterprise applications, application development automation and enterprise job scheduling. Kevin is author of The War On Women From "The "Root to The Fruit!": Which Side Are You On?, and the soon to be released WOKED UP: Putting the Axe to White Supremacy and Racism.

Hour 2 Road to LOCKDOWN with Bill Gates

Cheryl Chumley is a Christian, Conservative, writer, and speaker. She is noted for aggressive use of Freedom of Information Act laws to hold officials accountable. Cheryl is the online opinion editor and host of “Bold and Blunt” podcast for The Washington Times. Subscribe to her newsletter at The Washington Times and get her daily commentaries, along with her weekly “Bold and Blunt” podcasts, delivered straight to your email box three times a week! She is the author of Police State USA, The Devil In D.C, Socialists Don’t Sleep, now LOCKDOWN: The Socialist Plan to Take Away Your Freedom. Our topic, “Bill Gates wants a billion dollars annually to prevent the next pandemic”

Hour 3  TRUTH OF JANUARY 6TH We’re NOT Seeing on Mainstream Media or the scripted hearings 

Nina May is a producer and director, and Director Renaissance Womens Productions, known for Life Fine Tuned (2011), Daily Bread (2017) Emancipation, Revelation, Revolution (2006). She’s Founder and Chairman of the Renaissance Foundation, an international leadership organization with offices in the US and the Republic of Korea. The Renaissance Foundation hosts international seminars, exchanges and events that bring business and political leaders of different countries and cultural backgrounds together. We’ll discuss the REAL backstory of the January 6th demonstration where Nina May was filming. The truth mainstream news ignores.