Hour 1

Gerald Celente is the futurist CNN, USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times turn to when they wish to accurately understand future trends. Trends Research Institute correctly predicted, the election of Donald Trump, the 1987 Stock Market Crash, the demise of the Soviet Union, the Dot.Com crash, gourmet coffees, and other social, political, and economic trends. Since 1980 Mr. Celente and his staff forecast events that went undetected or ran counter to expert opinion. Now, HISTORY BEFORE IT HAPPENS.

Hour 2

Michael Daugherty is a government whistleblower by necessity and CEO of The Cyber Education Foundation and founder of The Justice Society. Michael’s story is of victimization by a cyber-security company linked to federal agencies. He’s the author of THE DEVIL INSIDE THE BELTWAY: The Shocking Expose of the US Government’s Surveillance and Overreaches into Cyber-Security, Medicine, and Small Business. Mr. Daugherty will discuss vaccines, the Durham report, and much more.

Hour 3

Jonathan W. Emord, principal of Emord and Associates, practices constitutional and Food and Drug law in Washington D.C. before the federal courts and agencies. He is the only attorney in American history to defeat the FDA eight times in federal court, seven times on First Amendment grounds. Mr. Emord is the author of Global Censorship of Health Information, The Rise of Tyranny, and the incredible Restore the Republic. Mr. Emord will tell us about his latest book, THE AUTHORITARIANS and how “Covid Treatment Suppression is killing Americans”