Hour 1

Jonathan W. Emord, principal of Emord and Associates, practices constitutional and Food and Drug law in Washington D.C. before the federal courts and agencies. He is the only attorney in American history to defeat the FDA eight times in federal court, seven times on First Amendment grounds. Mr. Emord is the author of Global Censorship of Health Information, The Rise of Tyranny, and the incredible Restore the Republic. Mr. Emord will tell us about his latest book, THE AUTHORITARIANS, and how “Covid Treatment Suppression is killing Americans”

Hour 2

Gregory Wrightstone is a geologist with 35 years of experience researching and studying various aspects of the Earth’s processes. Gregory believes in following the scientific process and making policy decisions based on science, facts, and data, not a political agenda. He is the author of Inconvenient Facts: The Science That Al Gore Doesn’t Want You to Know. President Biden made the “green agenda” his top priority.

Hour 3

Ron Boat, founder, Executive Producer and script writer for Production Services/AZ since 1971.

Mr. Boat is Erskine’s webmaster. He helps to propel clients' marketing and training needs into success, and research new subjects. He has 50 years working in marketing and media production for major corporations.