Hour 1

Lowell Ponte is the man for all reasons. A veteran think tank futurist, was Roving Editor of Reader's Digest for 15 years did investigative reporting in 33 countries. He hosted radio talk programs syndicated to 300 stations, and dean of a distance-learning university. He's author of The Cooling, We Have Seen the Future and it Looks Like Baltimore, and Money Morality and the Machine. Our topics include  inflation, the future of our economy. Lowell, explains what is behind our current condition, it’s supernatural.

Hour 2

Riley G Matthews Jr. is a former NYPD police officer who retired after a career ending injury. Riley became a Hollywood stunt man appearing in many pre-covid movies. He was 1st Vice President of Nevada SAG and was the first President and founder of the Blood Brothers MC. He was a gun and robbery specialist for the NYPD. Our topic crime and especially the gun violence and assaults on police.

Ralph Friedman is the NYPD’s most decorated Detective in New York. Working out of the 41st Precinct “Ft. Apache, The Bronx”, he made more than 2,000 arrests. Over a period of less than 15 years he was involved in 15 shootouts, forced to shoot eight criminal perpetrators, killing four. He fought for the good of New York City in what some have considered to be the toughest years all to protect the public from crime, drugs and violence. A nearly fatal car crash abruptly ended his career in 1983. His best-selling book Street Warrior was the basis of his TV show Street Warrior: The Bronx.

Hour 3

Selwyn Duke has written for The New American for more than a decade. He has also written for The Hill, Observer, The American Conservative, WorldNetDaily, American Thinker, and many other print and online publications. In addition, he has contributed to college textbooks published by Gale-Cengage Learning, has appeared as a frequent guest on television and radio. We’ll discuss “Covid and the Ghosts of Nuremberg” and “Democrats Are Kicking Blacks to the Curb”