Title: Living Empowered with Cynthia James

We are all on a journey and we all have difficult circumstances that arrive in our lives.  The secret becomes how we flourish, thrive, and expand in our lives as we move forward on our path.

This week I am joined by the amazing Cynthia James for an illuminated discussion about  how to live an empowered life.

Cynthia is a transformational coach and inspirational leader, guiding people to make changes at a deep level for lasting healing. Cynthia excels as a speaker, coach, singer, and multiple award-winning author of What Will Set You Free and Revealing Your Extraordinary Essence and #1 Amazon Bestseller for I Choose Me: The Art of Being a Phenomenally Successful Woman at Home and at Work. Her newest book, “Does My Voice Matter” will be released this year on September 27.

Cynthia James embodies the quote “I am not what I have done. I am what I have become;” and, she leads others to do the same. Her own life was transformed as she transcended a violent and abusive childhood. Through education and personal healing, she created the foundation for all her programs. Her work in self-care strategies and emotional integration support leaders, women and organizations internationally.