Recently Sally was described as a professional storyteller, which she loved, because ever since she can remember Sally has written stories and poetry. Writing has been her ‘place' to escape.  Over the years Sally has been fortunate to extend her craft into being a wedding celebrant, journaling teacher, accredited play writer and emerging filmmaker. Sally lives with multiple sclerosis and makes the most out of the good days.

Yes, Sally is a storyteller, but I am also a Mum, a daughter, a friend, a lover, and a creator. Her favorite gift ever is the gift of time, and Sally is blessed to share her time and her stories with others.

Sally’s professional portfolio includes award-winning plays, Fringe World Festival Seasons 2016 -2021 International Film Festival finalist, Best Producer Award, and recognition for creating productions with all-inclusiveness across, ability, gender, sexual and cultural diversity.

The Cry of Morrow

Kez. How did you and we meet?

Toni. What was the challenge for you when Kez agreed on making the movie from the prologue? The Prologue to Scribe

Kez. How do authors change a novel into a movie?

Toni. How far does a short movie go, where is the Song of morrow headed and when will it be shown publicly?

Kez. Is it only short movies you make or are their intentions for longer movies to be made?

Kez. What are some subject topics that people are interested in?

Toni. What are the prizes a movie can win, and can an author add that to their portfolio?

Kez. What are the basics to apply to have a short movie made?

Toni. Are there grants available for this sort of work, hard enough to get an author’s grant?

Kez. What’s next for you Sally?

Toni. How do people connect with you Sally?


Process of Page to Screen 

1. Adapt story to a screenplay 

2. Decide on Filming location 

3. Casting and Crew selection 

4. Audition Day 

5. Costuming Design and SFX makeup 

6. Lots of lunch and tea meetings with the author 

7. Filming Day 

8. Post-production scene editing 

9. Music Composition 

10. Dialogue Recording 

11. Poster Design 

12. Marketing 

13. Film Launch

14. Film Festival submissions

The screenplay development had many points to consider: 

- keep the imagery of the novel 

- determine dialogue versus narrative voice over 

- can sound effects describe visuals of the story