Talking Points Radio Toni – Insight Making Sense of Sexual Assault with Michelle Sleight
Today’s guest is the beautiful Michelle Sleight who as you can see is right here in the studio with me! This is the second of 6 shows having an open discussion about sexual assault.

TONI - An Empowered Survivor, Michelle knows the difference between being empowered and just surviving.

Michelle was the victim of 6 rapes and one sexual assault beginning at 5 years of age, has experienced the persecution and challenges of her permanent pain work-related injury, has been stalked and powerless, and has lost some close to her to domestic murder.

Now Michelle helps people to stop being at the mercy of their trauma and triggers.

Michelle is an advocate for change in sexual assault culture, and for those who have experienced sexual assault, and in 1997 set a legal precedent around sexual assault.

Michelle authored: “Insight Up Close and Personal Profile of Sexual Assault” for communities to better identify sexual predators and respond in a more resourceful way to the trauma of sexual assault.

Michelle has the processes and knowledge that set her, and clients, permanently free of trauma, triggers, and PTSD.

Today’s topics are of a sensitive nature so please reach out and connect and talk to someone if you experience and pain listening to us today. Why are we talking about sexual assault - Sexual assault is a major health and welfare issue in Australia and worldwide. For many victims, the effects can be wide-ranging and lifelong. They can experience physical injuries, long-term mental health effects, and disruption to everyday activities such as eating and sleeping habits (ABS 2017; Cashmore & Shackel 2013; Hailes et al. 2019).

Today we are going to progress the conversation to what worked for Michelle, what helped and what was beneficial to her recovery. Trauma lasts a lifetime but its effects on you can be healing and you can live a wonderful life

Good afternoon Michelle

Michelle you’ve had an extensive pathway to healing and we wanted to talk to the audience about their healing journey today, what worked what didn’t, what helped and what hindered and why it’s so important to heal.

Why is healing important?

What impacts was your trauma having on your life at the time and what have been some of the signs your retrospectively recognized as being signs of unhealed trauma?

Why shutting it inside your head and not healing is problematic?

Why does acknowledgement and talking to someone help?

What was your first step in the healing process and when did that start?

What stages did you go through in this process? Deal when you are triggered, scary, mind protection,

Lets discuss medication and why it engenders such passionate responses from people. Thoughts?

The physical impacts of trauma and how they play out in your life,

Memories stay but they no longer have power over your life

Angel insight coaching and your programs – why did you development them, what training have you had, where can people connect with you, the outcome focus of your courses, teach life skills, work with unconscious mind, powerful lasting results, individualized, secondary gain.