Guest, Chantal Gerady, Facebook Strategist, marketing success for smaller businesses

Over the past decade, Chantal has worked in the fitness industry beginning as a part-time personal trainer, working around three small children after emigrating from South Africa to the Gold Coast in 2008. Initially, Chantal worked for other people but like all true entrepreneurs, she saw how she could improve on the current model of delivering personal training, opening her own fitness business in 2010.

Chantal then branched out opening a health, wellness, and fitness center to support other professionals in my industry. Her biggest challenge was, she didn’t know what she didn’t know. Beginning a new business meant Chantal had to start again, over and over, finding new clients without a marketing budget. She was overwhelmed, confused, and worn out. Chantal didn’t know how to use social media effectively and couldn’t afford someone to help.

Facebook became my ‘GO TO’ platform. The biggest bonus of having to start over again was that Chantal learned how NOT to do things. After winning the Empowered Mums award in 2015 for her work helping other health, wellness, and fitness businesses, Chantal began to invest in learning how to better Coach Business owners on how to use Facebook. Chantal saw a lot of ‘experts’ spruiking how to do Facebook, but she knew, as a solo business, having the money to employ someone to manage my social media for her was the challenge, and many ‘experts’, had no clue on even the basics of how to set up or safely use the platform. Chantal got her Cert. IV In Small business and started niching on Facebook. She knew from my own experience, using Facebook to generate leads for free was/is possible by understanding how the platform and algorithm works. As a Facebook strategist over the last 4 years, Chantal has been able to show other business owners how to use Facebook to market and grow their businesses. Many people do not understand Facebook and Chantal empowered them and gave them the skills to use it safely, and effectively without it costing them a fortune. Chantal found customers for BOTH of her businesses on Facebook using her program, demonstrating how effective her program is.

Chantal’s target audience is other micro/small businesses like hers – solo operators or with 2 to 3 employees, without a big marketing budget. The key element of Chantal Gerardy – Facebook Strategist is customer service – a simplified approach to one-on-one training to empower small businesses to manage their own Facebook. She charges a weekly rate that is affordable. Her approach is hands-on and practical. Teaching people how to use Facebook is cost-effective and is filling a gap. By teaching clients the Facebook basics – setting effective profiles, using groups, how to engage and create great content – Chantal is preparing businesses for the next step. What is so powerful about doing business face-to-face with my demographic is they listen and learn concepts differently; they like to ask questions. It is more powerful to get across the training and strategies Chantal develops because she can connect with them.

Chantal has worked with businesses that have been in business for over five years but not making any money because they are trying to do too many things and not getting the basics right. While working face-to-face with people is not especially innovative, it is about listening to your target audience and delivering a powerful and useful service that meets their needs and helps them move to the next phase of business.

Chantal does not do perspective strategies; everyone is unique and she considers her clients are not techy nor are they marketing experts. Chantal works on their strengths and considers that their unique strategy is user-friendly and enjoyable for the business owner.

Questions for the Guest:

1. Chantal was one of the first people I engaged with, in the early early stages of my business and when Facebook was my primary platform and whilst it no longer is, Chantal was instrumental in setting the right foundations for my business, which was at the time, selling my book. Chantal how important is it to get the foundations right and what elements of FB do you consider as foundational?

2. Facebook has changed quite a bit over the last 3 years since we initially worked together, how do you keep pace with the changes?

3. Is it still possible for businesses to grow and market using Facebook?

4. We hear a lot about organic vs paid, in terms of growth, advertising, and promotion, what's the difference?

5. How do you determine what content works and what doesn't?

6. What are the advantages of a business doing their own Facebook promotion, content, and engagement vs paying someone to do it?

7. How do you grow your visibility on Facebook and why is this important?

8. How do you work with and help businesses with their Facebook profiles and pages?

9. You have a book called “My Facebook Formula. What’s the book about and where can people purchase the book?

10. You have a special offer for the audience today what is it?