Michele Castle is a Feng Shui Master and advanced teacher and scholar of metaphysics majoring in Chinese Astrology.

Michele has successfully navigated the Feng Shui industry for over 20 years, mastering a deep understanding of the multi-layered science of practice. 

Michele has taught Feng Shui, Chinese Astrology, and Metaphysical Studies for Silk Road's Asian Studies at Curtin University and worked extensively on interiors, renovations, and with emerging businesses and established enterprises. Through many years of practicing and consulting, Michele has become an author and public speaker and now brings her wealth of knowledge and experience to this new Feng Shui series.

Welcome back to the show Michele we are delighted to have you here today and this is the 3rd in our series of fortnightly shows.

If you’d like us to discuss anything in particular please reach out to Michele on [email protected] or me on [email protected] or ANY of our socials.

These questions are a guide, and I may ask or deviate from these if we need to…. today will be very initiative as the show goes on as I know when I'm talking to you that there will be an expansion of these topics and points. Will use the images to highlight the points we are talking about.

Today’s show is all about Feng Shui and the house and home. This is great news for the audience as most of the things we talk about are incredibly easy to implement in your existing home or even the home you are about to buy, renovate or build. Let’s start with the overall aspect of the home – are there optimal ways a home should face. I was always told that a northerly aspect if you are in the southern hemisphere or a southerly aspect if in the northern hemisphere – what does Feng Shi have to say about the way a house faces?

House placement – hills, mountains, streams, roads – all energy and how it affects the people in and around the house?

The bedrooms in the house – lots here from windows and doors to mirrors, painting, furnishings to bed placement for optimal sleep and rest

Bathrooms and toilets in the home? Mirrors, light, windows, what does Feng Shui have to say about these important rooms in a home?

Kitchens – are there considerations for kitchens in terms of Feng Shui and Chinese astrology? Touch on tea towels, bowls, vases, flowers, sinks, windows

Verandahs, decks, and outdoor areas? What consideration should we think about in terms of Feng Shui, placement, and energy in a home

Plants and greenery – what types, where, and why? Bamboo, etc etc

Hallways – are they necessary in a new build, what would we consider,

Furnishings – touch on Michele’s homewares range and how that can assist – can you use everyday household items repositioned with purpose – talk about the printouts that Michele sent to assist with sleep, mirrors, paintings, colors, lampshades,

How can people work with you?

Subscriptions, books, Next fortnight The Water Tiger Year