Kanya Ford "Coach Kay"
Owner and of Love & Intimacy 101, LLC
Intimacy Coach
[email protected]
P.O. Box 8854
Richmond, VA 23225

Who is she?
Welcome to Love & Intimacy 101, LLC! You have learned a bit about the practice, now it is time to meet your Coach. My name is Kanya, known to most as Coach Kay. I am a Life Coach and Certified Clinical Sexologist (life, love, and intimacy coach)! I am a married mother of 5 amazing children, former job chaser and avid voice for the voiceless. My coaching journey has been one filled with both life and formal institutional learning lessons. Getting to know a little about who I am will help you understand how I can best serve you on your life, love and intimacy journey.

Coach Kay

Raised in the era of latch key kids and drug addicted parents, I often found myself wishing that I could close my eyes and disappear. My father committed suicide when I was six months, leaving my mom to raise me and my sister alone. Twenty something year old widow left with two babies, we moved quite frequently, therefore, I was never interested in attaching myself or feelings to anything or anyone. I was set in survival mode at an early age, which is exactly how I wandered through life. I rarely felt comfort in my surroundings and often made decisions based on fear versus knowledge.

Welp, I got over it!

The way I got over it was to turn myself to stone and smile through the emptiness and pain. This came with giving up my power; the power to grow, the power to learn, the power to be myself! This loss of power lead me down an unsavory road that ultimately ended with me being a single mother with two children under the age of two by the age of 20, living in section 8 housing, a criminal background, being a first year college dropout with a trail of minimum wage jobs. Yup, I continued the cycle!

Although this is what I saw and lived growing up, I knew that my children deserved better. I knew I needed to regain trust within myself to grow and do better things. So that is what I did! Through trial and error, I figured it out and restructured my life! I am now a married mother of five amazing children, Master’s degree holding, successful multi-business owner with over 15 years of HR experience! Both of those baby girls are now thriving adults; one is a junior in college pursuing a computer science degree on a full scholarship and the other moved to Georgia to achieve her life goals. Neither have children! The three at home are thriving elementary, middle, and high school students with life goals of their own! Yes, I broke the cycle.

Jerry Nehr
Over the years, I have worked with thousands of people, be they clients in a therapeutic setting, students in a classroom, executives in a boardroom, or attendees at one of my seminars. It’s what I love to do and I do it with one mission in mind. That mission is to give people support, knowledge, and motivation that they can then pass on to someone else.

I have a deep curiosity about the human condition. The courage of people and our efforts to live gracefully in spite of our deeply flawed selves is remarkable. Neither my formal education nor my 20 years of experience in the field of human development, outweighs the importance of what my very own flaws teach me every day. All of it comes together to make me most suitable to do what I do.

My Book

Jerry shares poignant stories from his life in a collection of essays, such as the failed attempt to stay in a cabin with his son buried deep in the snow on Lake Huron. There is nothing quite so satisfying as an epiphany from reading something you have felt deeply but just couldn’t put into words. Then to have that truth beautifully and artfully articulated causes a moment to pause with appreciation, giving time to step out of the chaos and ponder the true meaning of life and all we experience. Erasing the Margins is bursting with these moments as author Jerry Nehr easily translates the Morse-code-beatings of the heart into a language of understanding that changes the way we view even the most mundane activities of life.


I’m Jerry M. Nehr, Jr. I grew up on the eastside of Detroit, Michigan. I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from Wayne State University and a Master’s Degree in Educational Counseling and Addiction Studies from the University of Detroit Mercy.

I have owned and operated a training and consulting firm for over 20 years, with a focus on assisting organizations with their employee development goals and strategies.

As both a business owner and a licensed professional counselor, I have an understanding of both the bottom-line benefits of culture change/alignment and employee morale, as well as the capacity to bridge relationships and communication challenges at the micro-level.