This week we discuss yet another confusing and irrational HOH by the other side of the house. Level 6-5-4 takes advantage yet again as someone outside their alliance makes a move. Yes JC shows his ability to play this game as he has the last few weeks by tricking Fessy into nominating one of his own. But was this best for JC? A guy without a home who is being used by the Level 6-5-4 for information. JC is absolutely the star this last week, but its hard to think he wouldn't have been better playing the reverse? Meanwhile we see Fessy make irrational decisions in an HOH that should have been a blockbuster moment this season. Level 6-5-4 survives and The Hive crumbles under their own weight when JC convinces Fessy Scottie, their own alliance member has feelings for Hayleigh, Fessy's love interest. Tonight we talk about great moves this week, awful moves of the HOH, and we ask the question...."Is Sam REALLY crazy or is she playing the game?" All tonight LIVE 11 PM EST!