After having control of the house for the first 5 weeks, Paulie is now being challanged by the person he advised Victor to put up. Michelle has cried and cried, going from one emotional extreme to the other but has finally planted her wheels on the track targetting Paulie and his domination of the season. While this should not be news to the other houseguest, it seems Michelle turns on a lighbulb for the remainder of the house as the house plots a turn on Paulie this week. Tonight we talk about the turn of the Paulie screw and all the drama in the last 48 hours. And of course we talk about  the new HOH and the Double Eviction. Don't forget about our popular Power Rankings. PLUS CBS announces a renewal for seasons 19 and 20 for the summer, so where does that leave All Access version? We try and figure it out tonight! Thursday 11 PM EST