Previous Episode: Redo Christmas HOH Bye Mark!
Next Episode: Alex Eviction/ Pauls HOH

We know the last two weeks have been messed up, BUT WE ARE BACK ON SCHEDULE! Tonight live 11 PM EST we are going to talk about Christmas in her HOH, Josh putting pieces together, the likely wrath of Alex, and the possible blind side of Jason. We saw Christmas win HOH and just when we thought she would break off her own game, she goes meek on us and falls back to Paul. But one person has begin to see whats going on (finally) as Josh sees the things he has been doing only go to benefit Paul. Paul is still working the perfect BB game (With help) and has things as he needs them, but will this Double Eviction seal his fate, or will be he able to strike blood tonight? We discuss it all tonight 11 PM EST!