Wow! Baywatch really went for it on this one and made an entire episode based around Jill. Can you believe it? The episode begins with a wealthy man on his morning swim being murdered by a scuba diver. Jill probably could have saved him if she wasn't distracted by a dumb guy using an inner tube. Priorities, Jill! Everyone believes that the weatlhy man drowned after a heart attack, but out of nowhere Jill has a hunch that it was murder and now she's playing detective at Baywatch. As part of her investigation she makes a highly detailed diorama. But her committment to the case suddenly flips when she falls in love with the main murder suspect after one conversation. From that point on she actively works against the investigation. Priorities, Jill! This episode also features a conman pretending to be a lifeguard for kicks and the worst montage we've seen so far. The star of the montage? Jill of course!