1 Jn 3:8
Jesus came to put a beating on Satan.
What works of the devil has Jesus come to destroy in your life? OBEY
1. Emanuel means we serve a multi taking God.
His redemption plan started in Genesis, the Crucifixion of Jesus was settled before Creation. Genesis 3:15
Isaiah is sprinkled with judgements with the promise of the Messiah. Jeremiah is full of promise of if people will come back.
In the New Testament people are looking for the Messiah to deliver His people, not looking for a baby.
When the Bible says there is going to be a sign, it has to be something unusual.
Joseph had to make a choice.
Matt 1:19-24
If you have interacted with Jesus, if He is your personal Lord and Savior; you are going to tell someone.
Have you ever wondered why you live here and were born at this time? Could it be that God has orchestrated events so you can share Jesus with people around you?
2. Emmanuel means we can expect Jesus to show up.
Over 300 scriptures tell of the Christmas story.
Luke 1:26-35,38 - the first Christmas started with confused and disturbed; just like those around us now.
Mary said yes to the unexpected.
The Jews were expecting a King to redeem them from the Romans. He came to set up His Kingdom.
Jesus is more than we expect Him to be.
People miss Jesus because He doesn't do the thing they expect Him to do.
Our expectations become a wall or a window. What do you expect from Jesus?