What does containment mean? How are wildfires named? What happens after your house burns?

Reported by Lindsey Hoshaw, Jessica Placzek, Sukey Lewis and Olivia Allen-Price. Technical director is Paul Lancour. Theme music by Pat Mesiti-Miller. Many songs in this episode were by Petaluma artist Gio Benedetti, and proceeds from their sale will benefit wildfire survivors. Find and buy his music here: https://giobenedetti.bandcamp.com/

Ask us a question at BayCurious.org.

Follow Olivia Allen-Price on Twitter @oallenprice.

What does containment mean? How are wildfires named? What happens after your house burns?

Reported by Lindsey Hoshaw, Jessica Placzek, Sukey Lewis and Olivia Allen-Price. Technical director is Paul Lancour. Theme music by Pat Mesiti-Miller. Many songs in this episode were by Petaluma artist Gio Benedetti, and proceeds from their sale will benefit wildfire survivors. Find and buy his music here: https://giobenedetti.bandcamp.com/

Ask us a question at BayCurious.org.

Follow Olivia Allen-Price on Twitter @oallenprice.