What would the San Francisco Bay look like if Frank Lloyd Wright got to build the bridge he proposed in 1949?

Reported by Rachael Myrow. Produced and edited by Olivia Allen-Price, Jessica Placzek, Paul Lancour and Ryan Levi. Theme music by Pat Mesiti-Miller.

Ask us a question at BayCurious.org.

Follow Olivia Allen-Price on Twitter @oallenprice.

What would the San Francisco Bay look like if Frank Lloyd Wright got to build the bridge he proposed in 1949?

Reported by Rachael Myrow. Produced and edited by Olivia Allen-Price, Jessica Placzek, Paul Lancour and Ryan Levi. Theme music by Pat Mesiti-Miller.

Ask us a question at BayCurious.org.

Follow Olivia Allen-Price on Twitter @oallenprice.