Hello fellow people of the internet! So for the foreseeable future all our podcast recordings will be produced through our live show on twitch.tv/battletagged. We have found it a fun and easy way to produce and record the show. This... Continue Reading →

Hello fellow people of the internet!

So for the foreseeable future all our podcast recordings will be produced through our live show on twitch.tv/battletagged. We have found it a fun and easy way to produce and record the show.

This weeks Episode is a mishmash of topics including MDI, more BFA stuff and the Dev Q&A quests and feedback.

Please forgive us if there are any issues with the audio this week, some technical stuff with us learning the ins and outs of twitch.

Here are the links that were mentioned in the show:

MMO champion Beta Addons – https://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/2393109-Addons-working-on-Battle-for-Azeroth-BETA
MDI update – AUSPAC region dramas / rescheduled –https://www.wowhead.com/news=283934/apac-group-stage-reschedule-revealed
America’s bracket for MDI this weekend – https://raider.io/mythic-dungeon-invitational-2018/brackets/regional-group-stage-americas
Dev Q&A – https://www.wowhead.com/news=283905/liveblog-of-the-april-26-battle-for-azeroth-beta-q-a-with-ion-hazzikostas
High elves vs void elves – https://www.wowhead.com/news=283929/the-discussion-surrounding-high-elves-as-an-allied-race

Pro Tip #5 : Always keep an eye out for Goblin 17.





