Previous Episode: Open Political Season
Next Episode: Big Blue Wave?

In the wake of her retirement announcement, we thank Justice Shirley Abrahamson for her decades of distinguished progressive leadership on the State Supreme Court. Robert debriefs Battleground Wisconsin's dust up with the Walker Campaign the Republican Party, and the Vukmir Campaign, over our image from last week’s show, which made state and national headlines. We also dissect Scott Walker’s new TV ad that attempts to put pants on his pig of a health care record. Robert also analyzes a new report that suggests Medicare is at risk and educates us about a new Trump administration Medicaid transparency plan that may unintentionally document that conservatives are taking health care away from millions of people. We also discuss the news that Wisconsin will receive $86 million less than sought to upgrade I-94 for Foxconn and discuss a new study finding Wisconsin's arcane expungement laws are keeping thousands of potential workers from employment.