Gotham is changing. A new myth has emerged over the past year, one that strikes terror into all who whisper it's name...Who, or what, is The Bat-Man?  

Written by Alfie Taylor  


Batman - Robb Moreira 

Jim Gordon - Daniel Kisala 

Harvey Bullock -Jakob Dillon 

Lambert jr - Ace the wind rider 

Stryker - Joseph Tejero  

Renee Montoya -Lauren Groen 

Rogers - Belinda Kinville 

Goon 1 - Trevor Wilson 

Goon 2 - devilkicksanji  

Based on "The Case of the Chemical Syndicate" written by Bill Finger with illustrations by Bob Kane    

Echoes of The Knight Is a Non-Profit Fan Made Batman Audio Drama inspired by the Golden Age roots of the character, and seeks to give new talent the chance to tell unique Batman stories in a format relatively unexplored by the Dark Knight.  These will be self-contained stories primarily concerning Batman and his associated characters. Other characters may be showcased as the series progresses.   

This production is non-profit and is for entertainment purposes only.

The production is in no way associated with DC Comics or Time Warner.  

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