The Joker ROCKETS through the skies with Batman in hot pursuit. The pair end up spinning and hurtling toward the ground below! Uh oh! If only Bats knew when to quit, huh?

Crash, bang, wallop - what a minute!

The next episode follows on Friday.
Same Bat Pod, different Bat Minute!

Join us on Facebook at the Bat Minute Listener's Cave!

The Bat Minute theme song is by the band Rat Bit Kit and Ash Lerczak (aka Doc Horror) of Zombina & The Skeletones and Double Echo.


Today's guest:

Returning to our super team for one more crack at The Bat is the master of pop culture, the ruler of reactions - it's the BrittGirl herself, Brittany Howarth!


Brittany Howarth - Linktree - YouTube - Facebook - Instagram