Bruce the snoop is going through Napier's files. He's putting this all together... finally.

We learn of prior Jack's affinity for chemicals, though perhaps not in the way you'd imagine.

Filthy, disgusting, news readers reveal the full extent of Joker's crimes as many are now deceased and the products responsible are being tracked down.

Our investigation comes on leaps and bounds thanks to the help of Scott Carelli! Scott is a writer, director and the owner of Dueling Genre who produce some of the best shows out there. You will undoubtedly know him from the Back to the Future MinuteSpider-Man Minute or Cornetto Minute podcasts, as well as the wonderful Doctor's Companion! The whole Marvel vs DC thing means nothing to this pro!

The next episode follows on Friday!

Same Bat Pod, different Bat Minute!

Scott Carelli - BTTF Minute Twitter - Spider-Man Minute Twitter - Cornetto Minute Twitter - The Doctor's Companion Twitter

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