International Women's Day Edition. Focus on artists of the female persuasion

Playlist: Collide - stardustADULT. - fools (we are)sexual purity - more than allDebby Friday - indulge meLeathers - missing sceneKANGA - touchMrs. Piss - self-surgeryMinuit Machine - sistersSRSQ - someday I will bask in the sunYouth Code - the world stageVore Aurora - reprobusGhost Twin - death noteSylph - ancient holeThe Birthday Massacre - cold lightsTarja - dead promisestaylor destroy - fake friendsmilitia vox - this is sheSarah Longfield - call me outKOSM - space meadSumo Cyco - bystanderSYRYN - madness becomes mesemblant - ode to rejectionrani chatoorgoon - the floodJinjer - perennialCaveat - zero hour