Surprise guys! We’ve got a whole new BASED spin-off for you. I’m rolling out the BASED Brief with my dear friend and colleague, Brad Polumbo. There is no one whose opinion I respect more, and we frequently collaborate on all of our projects. So we thought, why not let you in on our conversations?

Every week, Brad and I are going to let you into our thought process as we work through the week’s top headlines and break down the political, economic, and societal implications. Pull up a chair, and join us for this new series!

In this first episode, we break down the #FreeBritney movement’s recent victory, the Kyle Rittenhouse trial, Vice President Harris’s dishonest “Build Back Better” rhetoric, a viral MAGA church scandal, and Europe’s latest attack on Big Tech. Plus, some hot takes on a certain vegetable and everybody’s favorite teen romance novels.

NOTE: In this episode, we mistakenly referred to Sen. Josh Hawley's anti-trust bill when we meant Sen. Tom Cotton's. Read more here: