The Mound

Twitter: @sammydacipher, @doug_thorburn

email: [email protected]



1st Base (~3:00)

Baseball Extract




2nd Base (~29:15)

Power Tiers

Breaking down the top 10 teams in baseball heading into the stretch



3rd Base (~1:05:00)

Game: Occam's Razor

Kersh K's or ERA?
Price CY or JD MVP?
Rays In or Cubs Out?
Nats under .500 or Rangers over .500?
Trout and Angel in 2021 or Harper a Nat in 2021?
Who gets fired, Matt Williams or RAJ?



Home (~1:20:15)

The War on WAR, starring Buster Olney



Music by The Ghost Notes:

Intro – Hold On

Outro –Never Seems Right

Break Music by PBR Streetgang



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