This time we recorded right next to an abandoned amusement park at a lake in Berlin - the creepiest and at the same time most peaceful location. The perfect location to listen to our guest Julie Heyde from VRUnicorns and her very special story.

A story recorded at AMAZE 2018 with Julia from VRUnicorns

This time we recorded right next to an abandoned amusement park at a lake in Berlin - the creepiest and at the same time most peaceful location. The perfect location to listen to our guest Julie Heyde from VRUnicorns and her very special story.

Tune in to figure out:

why Julie wants to become internet famous
how she ended up in the game industry
How she stole an Oculus DK1 from the Unity Office
how Chet Faliszek was involved
Advice for beginning XR developers
and many more juicy insights

Intro and Outro by Reality Show - Chervona, and is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial License. You can find it under [](