Autism Speaks is trying to be the voice in the autism community but I want to focus on two of its members: Kevin Barry and Dr. Andrew Shih. Kevin Barry is a consultant and a lawyer who is a mercury enthusiast whereas Dr. Shih seems to be a straight-up scientist. Guess which one has a real problem with Roy Grinker's latest book that challenges the notion that there's an autism epidemic? I'll give you a hint: the other one bodyslams Montel Williams on his own pathetic show.

Running time is ~ 7 minutes. Enjoy.

Click To Play It appears that Kevin Barry of Autism Speaks is having some fun with rallying the troops to disparage Roy Grinker's new book. What a loser. Dr. Grinker really stepped into a pit of vipers. The silent majority is behind you, Dr. Grinker.

Click here for the QuickTime version.