Podcast Episode 134: “Wholesale Home Run!” For a change of pace, here is a positive Tale about a massive success in Canadian real estate investing. Longtime readers/listeners know that my Tales from the Trenches series is mostly about how buyers and sellers of real estate get themselves in trouble. It doesn’t matter whether folks are … Continue reading How Much Money Can I Make Quickly in Canadian Real Estate?

Podcast Episode 134: “Wholesale Home Run!”

For a change of pace, here is a positive Tale about a massive success in Canadian real estate investing. Longtime readers/listeners know that my Tales from the Trenches series is mostly about how buyers and sellers of real estate get themselves in trouble. It doesn’t matter whether folks are homeowners or whether they are investors, all aspects of real estate are full of minefields ready to explode. We look at those individual Tales, examine what went wrong, and then move on to the Lessons Learned. The best teaching moments are often in situations where problems arose, but sometimes that’s a bit gloomy and doomy.

This Tale of success comes from the creative real estate space. I use that term on my blog, in my podcasts, and especially in my Focus workshops to mean real estate investing using different, alternative, or unusual strategies. As much as I love long term Buy and Hold real estate investing, that’s not a creative strategy. What I mean are strategies like Rent-to-Own (RTO), Fix and Flip, Agreements for Sale, Wholesaling/Assignments, and Joint Ventures, both on their own and as they combine with the other strategies.

Want to learn creative real estate investing? Our premier Focus Workshop, the Rapid Cash Program, is coming up May 7 and 8, 2022, in Calgary, Alberta. Or you can purchase the Rapid Cash Program Home-study Kit anytime from my webstore!



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What Is Wholesaling in Real Estate Investment?

Wholesaling is a very popular creative strategy that works across Canada. Relatively simple in concept and requiring little or no money, many investors get started with wholesaling and then move on to other strategies. Now, note I said “relatively simple in concept.”

The concept is that as an investor, you look for undervalued properties. You get that property under contract to purchase and, while the contract is still conditional, you search for someone who sees the value in the property. They want the property for themselves. Maybe they’re going to move in as a personal residence, or maybe they’re an investor. It doesn’t matter; they are willing to pay you some money and close on the property themselves.

Now, finding undervalued properties is the trick. There aren’t too many listed for sale by realtors. Most of those properties are listed at what realtors feel is the market price. Most undervalued properties are found where the sellers have some sort of problem to solve or are selling on their own. And, when you find someone to buy your contract, the ‘assignment’ fee that you earn is often in the $5000–$10,000 range, not bad.


Assigning a Real Estate Purchase Contract for Quick Money

This scenario is pretty common but earning much more than the usual $5000–$10,000 is achievable and does come up. Recently, one of my students who purchased our Wholesaling/Assignments Home-study Kit got in touch to say he had a possible wholesaling deal. Now, this student had absolutely no investing experience. He owns his own home, but that was the limit of his real estate knowledge. Like anyone doing something for the first time, there were lots of stops and starts and explaining and coaching and revising. But, he got to the point where he had a property under contract with a three-month closing date, meaning he had lots of time to find someone to take the property off his hands .

This strategy works very well in a busy real estate market, which is what we are experiencing here in Alberta in April 2022 as well as across Canada more generally. It actually only took one month for our student to find a buyer and negotiate the assignment (sale) of his purchase contract for, are you ready?

$30,000!!! That’s right, his assignment fee was $30,000 earned right now. In other words Rapid Cash!

Lessons learned:

Don’t pre-judge seller motivation. Sellers sell for their own reasons.
Creative strategies are alive and well; there are deals to be done.
If you are brand-new to real estate investing, solid education is the key to success

Learn Creative Real Estate Investing for Beginners and Advanced Students at the Rapid Cash Program, May 7th and 8th, 2022!

Read more – CAD $3,497.00

“Home Equity” image by http://www.aag.com/ per their terms.