Podcast Episode 24:  “Fourplex Puzzle (Part Two).” When buying a fourplex or any property with more than one dwelling, you must do at least two things. Number one, check to see that the zoning allows the number of suites. And, number two confirm that the proper permits have been issued and final inspections done. A … Continue reading Fourplex Puzzle (Part Two)

Podcast Episode 24:  “Fourplex Puzzle (Part Two).”

When buying a fourplex or any property with more than one dwelling, you must do at least two things. Number one, check to see that the zoning allows the number of suites. And, number two confirm that the proper permits have been issued and final inspections done. A real property report (RPR) (survey) with the proper zoning stamp is not enough. Checking permits, whose job is this?

Download the audio file (Mac control + click + “save as” / PC right click + “save as”) HERE.

The full-text version of this Tale from the Trenches can be found HERE.

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