In this episode we discuss — amid myriad tangents — Father Zuhlsdorf’s blog post describing Bergoglio being visibly distracted (disturbed?) by someone loudly yodeling “VI-GA-NO!” during the Sunday Angelus, a reference Archbishop Vigano’s recent revelation that Bergoglio personally covered up then-Cardinal McCarrick’s sexual assaults of seminarians. It was during the 1960s and 1970s that priestly vocations plummeted while those who remained were disproportionately disposed to same-sex attraction. It was also during this time that — coincidentally? — the Society of Saint Pius 10th was founded to form priests according to the tried and traditional formula and it was just as the first class of ordinandi were about to graduate that the SSPX was hit by the suspensions of 1976. And lastly, we couldn’t pass up recognizing the start of the annual season of trading concussions for cash: American Football!

Links, reading, and YouTube:

Father Z. Recounts the Sept 2, 2018 Angelus
Some Large Lunged Lady Lashing Loudly… starting at 8:27
Inspiration for Yodelers
Bishop Stika Demonstrates how to Tweet


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