We sit down with apologist Evan Minton, and talk about what led him to apologetics, as well as his influences in life. We also discuss Molinism, Evolution, Eschatology, and even hell!

For Evan Minton's blog, Cerebral Faith: www.cerebralfaith.blogspot.com

For his books:

Inference To The One True God -- https://www.amazon.com/Inference-One-True-God-Believe/dp/1535461292/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=

A Hellacious Doctrine --

Also, check out Rethinking Hell for a defense of Annihilationism: http://rethinkinghell.com/

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Thanks to Leander for providing the music; check them out on Facebook as well!