Jack welcomes Dave back to the show to kick-off Season 2 of Barely Domesticated. Topics: SCiO, the kickstarter IR Spectrometer … quite possibly the neatestBarely Domesticated Ep. 30-Soylent Wishes and FCC Dreams … and Patent Nightmares was first posted on May 19, 2014 at 6:00 am.
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Jack welcomes Dave back to the show to kick-off Season 2 of Barely Domesticated.


SCiO, the kickstarter IR Spectrometer … quite possibly the neatest geek gadget of the year.

Soylent is Shipping! … and a lot of people are still freaked out by it.

The FCC hates you. There are 3 months of public comments to try and bend them to the will of the people. Do your thing, internet.

And last but not least, Patents. This week Amazon Patented taking pictures on white backgrounds. Which is crazy. We talk about that and other patent issues that come to mind … like Adam Carolla’s Fight the Trolls campaign.

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Barely Domesticated Ep. 30-Soylent Wishes and FCC Dreams … and Patent Nightmares was first posted on May 19, 2014 at 6:00 am.
©2016 "ZXH Creative". Use of this feed is for personal non-commercial use only. If you are not reading this article in your feed reader, then the site is guilty of copyright infringement. Please contact me at [email protected]