Debbie Sodergren is a very special and magical human that I also get to call a dear friend. She has been studying energy healing since before most even knew that it was a "thing." I’ve experienced her magic, firsthand, as she’s helped me to ground or release, as needed. She helps to move energy like no other. Very powerful!

In this episode of Bare Naked Radio, she shares her childhood story of a near-death experience and what has opened up for her since coming "back." She has spent most of her life hiding these special "powers" that she is tapped into, but now she is ready to step out of the “woo-woo” closet. Hopefully, she will inspire you to step out, step up, and own your gifts too.

About Debbie

Clients hire Debbie Sodergren to cultivate their mindset, reduce stress and raise their energy vibration to create the success they desire in their life.

Debbie's Gift

Debbie has been so gracious to offer the Naked Soul Tribe a free gift. Head over to her website to download your free grounding meditation by clicking here.

Connect with Debbie







Click here to read the transcript.

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Connect with your host, Dawn Gluskin




Until next time, stay awesome. And dare greatly enough to get soul naked, letting the truth of who you become fully expressed!

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