Previous Episode: Grit

FC has gone through extreme adversity and has come out stronger on the other side.  He grew up in a very negative environment, which unfortunately led to the development of complex PTSD. But from that emerged a unique talent, one that is both a gift and a curse: hypervigilance. He refused to allow his past define him and instead, leveraged the state of increased alertness to fuel his passion for security.

FC talks with us about his breakthrough into ethical hacking and physical security assignments, his 100% success rate at breaking into banks and other highly secured government facilities, the reason physical security engagements are NOT helpful to the business, uniting digital/physical/human-factor for optimal security, and the risk of investing in new tech. FC also details some truly insane stories, including the time he kidnapped the guard at a facility protected by ex-military Gurkhas. Finally, he reveals his advice for aspiring hackers and details on his soon to be released book, "How I Rob Banks: And Other Such Places".

0:03:49 - The Origin of an Ethical Hacker
0:05:49 - Early Computing and Hacking Experiences
0:10:04 -The Cursed Gift of Hypervigilance
0:13:25 - Social Engineering and Physical Security Assessments
0:20:30 - The Inevitability of Security Breaches
0:22:38 - The Lack of Focus on Human and Physical Security in Organizations
0:24:35 - Challenges of Adopting Cutting Edge Technology
0:26:53 - The Impact of AI on Ethical Hacking
0:34:16 - Methods of Social Engineering
0:36:29 - Identifying Entry Points and Planning an Attack
0:42:07 - Security Breach Simulation at a Data Center protected by Ex-Military Gurkhas
0:44:31 - Advice for Aspiring Security Professionals
0:48:46 - Cybersecurity Education and Certifications

Pentest Academy
Book: Breaking into Information Security: Learning the Ropes 101
Book: How I Rob Banks: And Other Such Places

1 Cup Kombucha
1 TBSP Honey
8-10 Mint Leaves
1/2 Lime (Juiced)
Club Soda
Muddle 8-10 mint leaves and 1/2 a lime, juiced. Add 1 tbsp of honey and 1 cup of kombucha. Pour mixture into a highball glass. Top with club soda and stir gently.


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