Previous Episode: #61 Barbarian Banter
Next Episode: #63 Barbarian Banter

Back with some questions from ask the internet.

Rapid-fire questions keep one on your toes and you have to think fast.

1. Would you rather have sex with a blind person or a deaf person?

2. What are the hardest things to do offhanded?

3. Which group is worse: the people who clap during a movie or at the end of an airplane ride?

4. Would you have sex with a dead person for 5 minutes if you get your laundry done and folded magically? (Everyone knows you fucked the dead person)

5. If there was stats available about every aspect of your life, what 1 stat would you want to see?

6. Would you rather ever time you fart have a flock of geese swarm to where you just farted or never use a phone or computer again?

7. Would you rather always feel like. You have to shit or never know when you are going to shit? (Always shitting your pants)

8. Would you rather have dustpans for hands or sweat out Smucker's jelly?

9. Would you have sex with an amputee that is a total smoke show?

10. Would you kill a random homeless person to get to fuck Kate Upton?

11. For $3000 would you get your face photoshopped into a gay porno? (Aren’t actually doing the fucking)

12. If you were in a beauty pageant, what would your talent be?

13. If you could die and come back as an inanimate object, what would it be?

14. If you could live anyone’s life with anyone’s body who would you be?

15. Could you beat Tom Cruise in a fight?

16. If you could wipe off one group of people off the earth who would it be?

17. Would you rather change genders every time you sneeze or not be able to tell the difference between a donut and a baby?

18. There’s a full-grown lion and 30 little people in a battle royals, who wins?

19. Who is the hottest celebrity that you would have a chance with if they got to know you?


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Twitter @JimeeGee IG @thejimeegee

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