Back in 2018, Cee and Tiff collaborated with the Colorado Tourism Office and visited their beautiful state for 12 days (check the vlogs on our YouTube channel!). On their final night in Denver, they hit up the Great American Beer Festival, the biggest beer festival on the planet (or North America at least) and discovered the gloriousness that is Weldwerks Brewery. While they tried the collab with Troy Casey of Casey Brewing during episode #108, this was their first real exposure and they were blown away.

A little over two years later we got in touch, and because a Colorado trip isn't exactly on the cards any time soon the next best thing was to hang out for a long-distance podcast. Cee connected with Innovation and Wood Cellar Lead Skip Schwarz to hear more about the history of Weldwerks, how they've coped during the pandemic, and a lot more. Cee crushed a Bellwoods Bellweiser pils and our new collab with Echo Session Ales and Broadway, Love Dust, while Skip got into some New Anthem Lower Haight. Cheers!

BAOS Podcast

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