Having some issues with the computer, will be reformatting and restoring and such over the next couple of days. No show this week. EDIT: Turns out it was just a fried video card. That is a relief, but I wish I’d figured this out before I spent a whole day backing up my files. And […]

Having some issues with the computer, will be reformatting and restoring and such over the next couple of days.

No show this week.

EDIT: Turns out it was just a fried video card. That is a relief, but I wish I’d figured this out before I spent a whole day backing up my files. And when I say, “whole day” I literally mean that. I had about 400GB and some change that I needed to back up.

Any-who, with the problem solved there will be a show posted next week and you’re more than likely to hear me bitch all about it.