Previous Episode: Still here
Next Episode: Supplemental Post

Well, I was going to have Ben come over today and do the show notes today. That didn’t happen because Ben is deciding to be a dick, and it seems like he’s only using me as a convenience to him because I’m the only person he knows that has wireless internet. Or at least that’s […]

Well, I was going to have Ben come over today and do the show notes today. That didn’t happen because Ben is deciding to be a dick, and it seems like he’s only using me as a convenience to him because I’m the only person he knows that has wireless internet. Or at least that’s the only thing I can think of. He doesn’t come over unless there’s a show to record or unless he needs the internet for something. And now that The Ex-Girlfriend Lady is leaving and taking the internet machine and the router with her. He seems to have reasons to not come over.

It wouldn’t seem to occur to him that I could really use my friends in this time that I’m going though. It never occurred to him that I have nothing going on for me outside of the show and classes right now, and when I come home I have nothing to do and I’m stuck in the house with a woman who’s leaving me and spends a majority of her time in whatever room I’m not in. And with that said, maybe I’d enjoy the company of my friends a little more. And maybe he could come over to watch a movie or play magic or something, without having any actual reason for coming over than to hang out.

I apologize for airing this on the show blog but what can you do? There’s going to be no show notes for our last episode. And this will be the last episode until around February or March. I will put out a bonus episode every now and again just so you know that I haven’t completely vanished.

When I get my new computer up and running whenever my dad sends it to me I’ll record a little something to put up here.

That’s all for now.
