I’ll explain in the show notes of the next episode as to why I didn’t get the show ready for upload yesterday. Right now I will tell you that the show is not up at the moment, or even put together because I’m catching up on some English 112 homework that I’ve fallen behind on. […]

I’ll explain in the show notes of the next episode as to why I didn’t get the show ready for upload yesterday. Right now I will tell you that the show is not up at the moment, or even put together because I’m catching up on some English 112 homework that I’ve fallen behind on. I’ve got about three short papers to write tonight before I put all the audio together for upload. The show will be ready later tonight. Most possibly late tonight.

I apologize to all of my faithful listeners, the ten of you that are out there, and I issue an apology to all of the folks on the rising boards that have been waiting for this episode after all the talking I did about it last week. It will be up as soon as I finish my papers.