Niiice. This week: loving the Lakers, Slovenians on South Beach. southwest headlines, never watch injury replays, MVP narratives, what up Beck, batting for your average, stoner references, skipping out on being skipper, Paul Collingwood is older than Actual Collingwood, duelling jersey retirements, taking it to the grave, Jeanie's Choice, learning nothing from your experiences, specialist assistance, book it up on Mike's tab, deserve ain't got nothing to do with it, free agents starting with K, too many picks, two years away, Thunder clapped, the Ballz bandwagon, beasts of suburban, habitual switch-flickers, who the real MVP, slow moving vehicles, NOWIVELOST, check your privilege, spirit punishers, squad dynamics, luck of the draw, turns out 1992 was a long time ago, cheat codes, bringing receipts, beyond B-Leef, Gronk just pawn in game of NFL, and the Last Crusade. You can hear BALLS and After Dark via Omny Studio,Spotify and Apple Podcasts, and talk back to us via Twitter,Facebook and email. Grrreat.

Niiice. This week: loving the Lakers, Slovenians on South Beach. southwest headlines, never watch injury replays, MVP narratives, what up Beck, batting for your average, stoner references, skipping out on being skipper, Paul Collingwood is older than Actual Collingwood, duelling jersey retirements, taking it to the grave, Jeanie's Choice, learning nothing from your experiences, specialist assistance, book it up on Mike's tab, deserve ain't got nothing to do with it, free agents starting with K, too many picks, two years away, Thunder clapped, the Ballz bandwagon, beasts of suburban, habitual switch-flickers, who the real MVP, slow moving vehicles, NOWIVELOST, check your privilege, spirit punishers, squad dynamics, luck of the draw, turns out 1992 was a long time ago, cheat codes, bringing receipts, beyond B-Leef, Gronk just pawn in game of NFL, and the Last Crusade. You can hear BALLS and After Dark via Omny Studio, Spotify and Apple Podcasts, and talk back to us via Twitter, Facebook and email. Grrreat.

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