In this episode of the often-weighted #BallisBae NBA Podcast, we talk about the comments made by Warriors' GM Joe Lacobs about the injustice in the luxury tax calculation, we discuss the weight clause in Zion Williamson's new contract, and we look at the difference between a ball-hog and someone who has the ball a lot.

(00:17) - Real Start
(00:41) - In the association this week
(01:02) - Welcome Vineet
(03:09) - Joe Lacobs' reaction to the Luxury Tax
(13:34) - Who loses more? Warriors or Draymond?
(14:40) - What will determine whether the Warriors bring back Dray?
(18:13) - Vineet's personal hiring policies.
(20:36) - How does Don Mitchell to NYC work wonders for the Knicks?
(24:19) - What's the difference between Ball Hog, and Style of Play
(26:50) - Zion Williamson's unique contract
(28:39) - De-escalator's in Zion's contract
(31:21) - Will Zion be able to hit his targets?
(32:16) - What Zion can learn from Lebron?
(33:31) - Is this the way future contracts will be written?

In this episode of the often-weighted #BallisBae NBA Podcast, we talk about the comments made by Warriors' GM Joe Lacobs about the injustice in the luxury tax calculation, we discuss the weight clause in Zion Williamson's new contract, and we look at the difference between a ball-hog and someone who has the ball a lot.

(00:17) - Real Start
(00:41) - In the association this week
(01:02) - Welcome Vineet
(03:09) - Joe Lacobs' reaction to the Luxury Tax
(13:34) - Who loses more? Warriors or Draymond?
(14:40) - What will determine whether the Warriors bring back Dray?
(18:13) - Vineet's personal hiring policies.
(20:36) - How does Don Mitchell to NYC work wonders for the Knicks?
(24:19) - What's the difference between Ball Hog, and Style of Play
(26:50) - Zion Williamson's unique contract
(28:39) - De-escalator's in Zion's contract
(31:21) - Will Zion be able to hit his targets?
(32:16) - What Zion can learn from Lebron?
(33:31) - Is this the way future contracts will be written?