The Kingdom of Israel is divided between Judah in the Southern half and Israel in the North. Judah is a mixed bag of King's: some good and some bad. But Northern Israel has nothing but bad Kings. They all did what was evil in the sight of the Lord. And they did it continuously. Culminating in the worst of the lot so far: King Omri. The Bible says he did more evil than all who went before him. So that is it. The worst. The Moat (Mostevil of all time). Except Omri wasn't the worst. Oh no. The worst, the King who took Israel to the greatest depths of depravity they had ever known, took the throne after his father Omri died. And this week, we meet him and his cruel and evil wife. The Bible states that King Ahab and Queen Jezebel did more evil than all who went before them, and they established Baal worship in Northern Israel to such an extent that the worship of Yahweh nearly became extinct. The future for righteousness and good and for following Yahweh seem bleak. The outlook is less than rosy. What will happen, and who exactly are Ahab and Jezebel? Listen on to find out.